We provide analytical firepower to engineering and construction stakeholders on projects worldwide.
We bring the understanding of how project data can underpin and undermine commercial or legal outcomes.
Our services combine sector insight and forensic technology to achieve outcomes unattainable by typical analogue methods.
Founded to harness the untapped potential of new and emerging technology, we expedite otherwise labour intensive processes that persist in engineering and construction.
The team incorporate insight from across real estate and construction management, construction information technology, behavioural economics, claim preparation and expert services.
Our mission. Provide information expertise when it matters the most.
Anatomy of a poor quality engineering or construction claim
Find out how to improve the quality of claims, how to drive efficiency gains and control the associated time, cost and quality benefits.
Engineering and construction commentators have long stated that poor quality claims are a leading cause of dispute. But what constitutes ‘poor quality’, and where should you focus limited resource to ensure claim prospects and business outcomes are not compromised?
This paper will resonate with commercial, claim and dispute managers and the executives that have oversight of them.
It describes the hallmarks of poor quality, their impact and the link with the technology skills shortage in the sector. In addition to numerous recommendations, it highlights competing drivers between client and advisor and machine learning’s potential as a mechanism to achieve a return on investment from claim expenditure.