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Expert Services Profile

Charlie Woodley

Charlie Woodley advises at the interface of commercial management, claims or dispute resolution and data. He has over 20 years’ industry experience and is an established construction informatics specialist with a track record in harnessing technology to resolve analytical problems on complex projects, programmes or disputes. 

Charlie provides a range of pro-active services intended to inform digitalisation strategy and implementation and to help organisations manage, analyse and extract value from project data.

He supports clients facing the challenges of timeously aggregating and structuring records to evidence or rebut claims for time or money. The ability to piece together evidence from disparate sources reduces the need for global claims and improves the prospects of commercial settlement or dispute outcomes. 

Charlie has been appointed analytics expert witness in international arbitration and provided specialist expert assistance in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) proceedings and litigation. His services significantly reduce time and cost by expediting the collection, processing and extraction of relevant data. Quality and outcomes are improved by increasing the time and resource available for analysis and reporting.

Managing Director

+44 7788 303 133

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Dispute Data was founded to ensure construction and engineering clients benefit from the significant time, cost and quality benefits and improved outcomes that flow from early, experience backed data services. Charlie works with commercial, legal and expert teams to help them first understand the risk and then capitalise on the opportunity of project data.
(2016) MBA Real Estate and Construction Management, UCEM, United Kingdom

(2016) PgCert Project Management, RICS, United Kingdom 

(1998) BSc (Hons) Animal Biology, UEL, United Kingdom
Publications & Papers
(2021) Anatomy of a poor engineering or construction claim, dispute data digital perspective

(2019) Will digitalisation end disputes? Construction Research and Innovation, 10:1, 15-17

(2018) Claims and dispute causation: a digital perspective. CRUX Insight report, HKA

(2017) Overconfidence and pressure induced error in expert practic, MBA dissertation, UCEM
Key Skills
  • Commercial, expert or legal team efficiency
  • Forensic quantum analysis
  • AI document capture and process automation
  • Data wrangling / complex fact aggregation
  • Critical evaluation of data methodologies
  • Digitally informed strategy development
High specification residential, United Kingdom. Immersive 3D model and photometry solution to mitigate against risks of future claims in relation to a delayed high specification US$500 million central London residential development. Advised the tier 1 shell and core contractor on use of the model as an as-built record, integration with the existing building information model (BIM) and for contextualising known issues by embedding contemporaneous records.
Palladian mansion, United Kingdom. Assisted the quantum expert acting for the employer defending a contractor claim in relation to refurbishment of a grade II listed country residence. Devised process to expedite analysis of poor-quality records on this 10+ year old dispute.

Large residential scheme, United Kingdom. Assisted the expert witness in respect of the valuation of a concrete frame sub-contractor’s quantum and extension of time claims relating to a 14 block, 104 floor scheme in London.

Mixed-use redevelopment scheme, United Kingdom. Developed flexible cost matrix architecture for use by a national contractor in defence of a series of multi-million dollar sub-contractor claims on a high profile multi-block, mixed-use redevelopment in East London.
Mixed-use scheme, United Kingdom. Assisted the quantum expert appointed on behalf of the Employer, the developer of a major commercial and residential scheme in Guernsey. Claims were in excess of US$ 66 million and against the professional team.

Mixed-use scheme, United Kingdom. Assisted in the preparation of a successful arbitration claim for a main contractor in respect of quantum and time relating to the construction of a luxury canal-side, mixed-use development in Central London.
Garment factories, South Asia. Appointed analytics expert witness in international arbitration proceedings. Expedited extraction, structuring and analysis of health and safety remediation data across circa 50 factories.  

Medical research facility, United Kingdom. Quantum assessment of a multi-million dollar claim for a mechanical & electrical subcontractor against the main contractor on a new build facility in London following substantial changes to the performance specification and architectural design.
Newbuild hospital, Australasia. Devised a process that combines vendor liaison, document capture, automation and analytics expertise to evidence client representative behavioural change in relation to systems commissioning. Extracted and scheduled target data from 2 million pages of historic gateway approval records.

BIM assurance, Environment Agency, United Kingdom. Design and implement BIM assurance across the agency's Water and Environment Management (WEM) framework. Worked closely with suppliers to benchmark current capability and then assist in the development of tailored route maps.

Port infrastructure, United Kingdom. Delay expert assistance, providing cross format Primavera programme change analysis relating to a delayed naval infrastructure works.

Major rail infrastructure scheme, United Kingdom. Contributed strategic digital advice to professional body expert report on rethinking procurement of economic infrastructure schemes. Provided insight on the business case for emergent city scale simulation digital prototyping, information liquidity and how simulation can help clients gain control and value from the supply chain.

PFI hospital scheme, United Kingdom. Data visualisation / timeline analysis in support of a national contractor's successful settlement negotiations relating to a multi-million US$ quantum claim resulting from breach of designer obligations on a keynote US$ 311 million project.

Transnational motorway scheme, Africa. Analytical, data aggregation and quantum valuation expertise as part of a multidisciplinary team assessing extensions for time (EoT), prolongation and disruption elements in respect of a US$ multi-billion infrastructure project.  Analysis included over 5,000 personnel and included the need for a strategy to overcome significant variations in reporting across joint venture partners.  
Oil & Gas 
Semi-submersible floating production system construction, Asia. Digitally enabled quantum expert assistance. Automated and expedited extraction, validation and scheduling of daily activities and person on board (POB) data from over 500 daily reports. 

Offshore gas field development, United Kingdom. Digitally enabled quantum expert assistance for the team evaluating counterclaims relating to the hook-up and commissioning (HUC) of offshore modules. Detailed assessments extracting and valuing relevant data from in excess of 2 million manhours and across 30+ record types.

LNG subsea engineering, Australia. Provided insight on information architecture, data extraction and management as part of a multidisciplinary team of quantum, delay and technical experts evaluating and repacking claims on behalf of the subsea engineer.

Biodiesel plant, Netherlands. Supported an expert witness with investigating an opposing expert’s delay analysis of a biodiesel plant that was subject to arbitration by utilising business intelligence tools to analyse productivity data and producing line of balance charts to understand critical offsite pre-fabrication productivity. 

Offshore oilfield and onshore infrastructure, Asia. Technical inspection methodology review to identify efficiencies in project data extraction, analysis and visualisation. Ongoing advice and support to the expert team preparing the latest annual report, for the government. Cost and progress analysis at operator, contractor and sub-contractor level on US$ 150+ billion mega project including assessment of contractor compliance with the International Good Oil Field Practice.

Onshore gas pipeline, United Kingdom. Complex data aggregation and analytical troubleshooting as part of a quantum expert team defending US$ 20 million claims in respect of remote onshore gas pipeline installation.

Oil refinery, United Kingdom. Expedited audit of US$ 46 million of works in relation to a refinery refurbishment, for mediation.  Additional advice on consolidation and verification of key data in anticipation of international arbitration.

Offshore oilfield development, Asia. Critical evaluation and subsequent re-packaging of US$ 100+ million quantum claim relating to front end engineering design (FEED) and HUC contracts on a US$ 150+ billion development. Provided complex aggregation and analytical services to enable the contractor to overcome evidential challenges ahead of expedited proceedings. Subsequently, assisted the lead expert in the preparation of multiple reports, during a two-week LCIA hearing and in quantifying the issues-based award.

Gas booster facility, Middle East. Expert assistance critically reviewing US$ 640 million of disputed variations in relation to the HUC of a gas booster facility in the Middle East.  Identified globally accepted themes from previously agreed VO’s and made recommendations to assist in the commercial settlement of outstanding sums.

Transnational gas pipeline, Africa. Assisted team of experts in the forensic analysis and defence in litigation of a US$ 300 million quantum claim for completion costs in respect of the onshore segment of a major gas pipeline.
Power & Utilities 
Utilities framework, United Kingdom.  Quantum analysis and arbitration defence preparation in respect of disputed breach of a tier 1 utilities / street-works contract. Part of the team responsible for the collaborative analysis of over 3,000 work packages on behalf of major contractor leading to multi-million dollar settlement.
Naval shipbuilding, Confidential. Quantum expert assistance in international arbitration proceedings. Critical evaluation of complex data analysis conducted by opposing experts supporting a $200m+ claim relating to construction of naval patrol vessels. Critical evaluation of opposing experts sampling and extrapolation.

Ferry construction, United Kingdom. Consolidation and presentation of shipyard fabrication data on behalf of delay expert. Enabled meaningful analysis from the outset with the data structured to informing expert investigation and narrative development. 
Speaking Engagements
(2019) Digitalisation and disputes: smarter approaches to managing complexity. RICS Infrastructure Conference

(2018) Digitalisation and project controls – a claims and disputes perspective. Project Controls Expo, London

(2017) BIM and emergent tech for experts. HKA Expert Witness Conference, London

(2017) ICE digital procurement workshop. Institution of Civil Engineers

(2016) BIM & Big Data. Hill International Masterclass, London
Personal Development
(2019) Bond Solon GDPR for Expert Witnesses

(2017) OBASHI® methodology

(2014) Expert Witness Introduction, Academy of Expert
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